Artist's Statement

"Painter of Nightmares and Imaginations,
Lover of Shadows."

AiNa (TuRiaga) Kinnaman is a watercolor artist . Her work has been described as cute with an eerie and uncanny twist. Her inspirations come from a number of things including characters from her nightmares, dreams and imaginations to childhood memories, and also from her love of black and white photography to some of her favorite characters of films she enjoys. One of her most favorite subject to paint is Count Orlok from the 1922 German Expressionist horror film, directed by F.W. Murnau called "Nosferatu : A Symphony of Horror".

AiNa also loves painting animals such as whales, rabbits and bears and you can find some of these animals dressed as her favorite characters such as Frankenstein, Edward Scissorhands and Cthulhu.


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